Posted by: Scottie | July 16, 2009


Roxy’s latest Twitter update is hillarious. What, no TwitPic to go along with it Roxy?

If you haven’t already followed her Twitter feed, what are you waiting for?


  1. Any news on when the site will be ready?

  2. still workin on it.. we’ve got pretty much all the photo sets together and most of the videos.. site design just needs a little tweaking and we’ll be good to go

  3. wallpaper pack.. more to come

  4. Do you know what moth the site should be ready or better yet the day?

  5. can’t say.. based on the number of things that still need to be done, I’d be pretty surprised if it wasn’t up and running by the end of the month.. don’t quote me on that though!

  6. I read on Roxy’s Twitter update that the website might be launched sometime this week or is there still some tweekin up to do?

  7. not sure.. She met with the webmaster that day so apparently that was what they decided on. Just keep watching her twitter and I’m sure she’ll post more info as soon as she has some

  8. Still no update? Haven’t seen any twitter updates on when the site’s being launched, unfortunately.

  9. not really sure why she tweeted that about launching last week.. I think the site is pretty much ready. they’re just taking care of some odds and ends before they launch

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